Start Building a More Loyal Customer Base Today

Koala Pay is a new mobile payment platform that enables merchants to build a more loyal and engaged customer base. Merchants can use Koala Pay to create and distribute deals on their own terms while avoiding credit and debit card fees. Subscribe below to be notified of the app launch

Merchants: Koala Pay has benefits for you...

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Koala Pay Benefits Merchants

Build Customer Loyalty

Koala Pay allows merchants to offer deals and rewards that boost customer loyalty through a mobile payment system.

Works with Any Checking Account

Users simply link their checking accounts to their Koala Pay account and start finding deals and making payments.

Rewards and Prepaid Sales

Create prepaid sales on your own terms by offering electronic prepaid cards and gift cards. No distribution required.

Track Customer Data

Koala Pay allows merchants to track their most loyal customers. Thank customers for making big purchases and invite them back.

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